show time!

my space [work in progress obviously]:

everything else:

to do list

Out and about in London

Thanks to Sophie, Rachel and George for being amazing.

and just because he was awesome...

wooden in context

& a little making - brackets [thanks to Matt in the 1st Year] and the dicatphone.

Re-photographing prototypes

Re-photographing my early prototypes for my Viva presentation. They really start to come to life, so much more than before.

Laser cut + velcro

Okay, to keep in the spirit of the DIY flatpack thing, I've revised the cardboard version again, this time with velcro on the joins, so it can be pulled apart for easy transportation. Just need to find a glue that is strong enough. I have one final laser cutting session tomorrow, and am going to assemble the final version afterwards, so by tomorrow evening that will be over and done. Plus I established that the dimensions are all correct , which I perhaps should have attempted earlier but anywho, now onto finishing up the practice viva. Lucky me.

Show Website: Pirate Utopias


Laser-cut cardboard version

this is held together with polyprop joins, thought I might be done with this but it needs graphics, which I think I'm going to make using stencils and spray paint. I'm going to laser cut a few more and figure out a system with velcro so I can achieve the flatpack version I wanted to preiviously. In my tut on Thursday Matt said I need to build up more of a narrative, so the idea is that these can be ordered from a website by groups/charities to have at events to get people talking. They can be printed with their own graphics and assembled on the spot. Been messing around with graphics in Iluustrator, kind of not great right now, but really I just need to start working on real models and then get them out there to make films of this weekend. Fun times.

collective version: prototype

Prototype of the collective version for five people. In calico hence the white, that's not the final look, going to be in grey with brightly coloured zips.