final project descrip

Debate and discussion exists all around us, in every facet of life, from the Houses of Parliament and lecture halls to the pub and the dinner table. In every conversation people bring their own experiences, histories, beliefs and opinions to play and as a result the perception the discussion is subtly different. When these spheres collide, through the medium of dialogue, they engender creativity, allow for the exchange of ideas and broaden horizons.

My project explores the unique spaces created by conversation. This study has resulted in the creation of platforms to allow a space and method of engaging and interacting in a dialogue with others. Ultimately I hope the knowledge gained by my work will enable the production of mediators and facilitators for discussion.

Through these objects I want to encourage vocalising and development of individually held ideas and opinions through exposure to those of the collective.


alexisonfire said...

Should part of the first paragraph not read "as a result their perception of the discussion is subtly different"? Otherwise very articulate and though provoking. Alex

Aisling said...

Yeah, I changed it for the catalogue. Thanks for the comment.