words, a little unpolished

Project description: Debate and discussion exists all around us, in every facet of life, from the Houses of Parliament, to lecture halls, to the pub. To every conversation an individual brings their own experiences, histories, beliefs and opinions and as a result of this, they will perceive the discussion in subtly different ways. When these various spheres collide through the medium of dialogue they engender creativity, allow for the exchange of ideas and a broadening of horizons.

My project explores the unique spaces created by conversation. This study has resulted in the creation of platforms to allow individuals a space and a method of engaging and interacting in a dialogue with others. Ultimately I hope the knowledge gained by my work will enable the production of mediators and facilitators for discussion.

Through these objects I want to encourage vocalising and development of individually held ideas and opinions through exposure to those of the collective.


and a quick chat with Matt while asking him for MA references:
pushing the materiality of the object, various iterations
Matt/Jimm/Laura project: seven prototypes of the same object but do different things
look at object in different ways, different materials etc

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